The Annual Goals and Resolutions Post
Now that I have recapped 2016 and assessed my improvement and resolution successes (and failures), it is time to disclose what 2017 has in store resolution-wise.
This year I'm narrowing my list a little bit. I have some serious goals that need accomplishing without (too many) distractions. There are also a few holdovers from last year that I made progress on but could use some updating for the new year.
So without further ado, I bring to you the Active Violinist 2017 Goals and Resolutions.
The Holdovers
Finish Dissertation
This is not a joke. This is my no. 1 priority in 2017. As a result, if this is the only thing accomplished by the end of the year, 2017 will be a complete success. As much as I enjoy practicing the violin (and I really, really do) I need to put it down more often and kick this document in the butt! Gone are the hours of daily practice and pieces I'd like to learn. Hello, hours spent at my computer. If this isn't completed before the year is over I am going to be in serious trouble (with myself).
Don't they say a messy desk is a sign of genius???? I hope so!
Write More
More like every day. Write something every day! This does not include emails or tweets. I'm trying to develop the habit of sitting at my computer every day rather than just in spurts. Blog Posts, poems, dissertation chapters, short stories, book reviews, personal letters are all possibilities in this category.
Read 33 books
Bumping this goal up three books from last years goal of 30. Nana has thrown down and already challenged me to another 36 book reading challenge. That's all fine and well for a lady of leisure, but I have to hustle so I'm cutting myself a three book break (with the hopes of exceeding this by 3). And yes, audiobooks count!
Write a letter or card to my Nana every time I finish a book
I'm making this more realistic and sticking to once a month. In 2016 this was a nice way for us to sum up each month of reading and gush about what we enjoyed the most (and what we disliked).
Ride My Bike More
In 2017 this means ride my bike AT LEAST once a week. Commuting, trips to the coffee shop, leisurely rides, and cycling for fitness all count.
My home practice is pretty good, but I need to go back to class at least once per week. My silly rehearsal schedule usually conflicts with the one Iyengar class offered in Tulsa, but I'm tempted to go back to Bikram. Also, I'm going to put myself on Iyengar's Asana Course (found at the back of Light on Yoga) and try to document more of my progress so I can see it, and maybe if I'm feeling brave, share it.
Be a (better) morning person
I am now instituting a bedtime. Teeth brushed, face washed, PJs on, and in bed by 11 pm. This applies to all evenings when I am not driving home from an out-of-town gig late at night. Those nights (and weeks) will unavoidably be late ones. BUT rather than getting home and putzing around before finally falling asleep, I am challenging myself to do something productive. I find that research is a surefire way to make me drowsy so odds are late night document reading will be happening regularly.
How I typically feel in the morning.
New Resolutions
Set Short Term Goals
Rather than task myself with 'write dissertation in 2017' I'm setting short term goals to ensure that I meet my long term goals. With the dissertation, for instance, I have daily and weekly goals set aside as well as finish date for larger sections. I think this is the key to success for me. This means I have smaller tasks and goal for each month (and sometimes weeks or days) in place. The vague, To-Do list filled with huge tasks is too daunting for me and I tend to avoid even getting started. Much like in my practice schedule - when I committed to daily technical practice I reaped long-term benefits aka winning auditions.
No Social Media in Bed
This is already proving to be a challenge! Every night I pick up my phone and mindlessly scroll through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Every morning I reach for my phone and check the things I've missed while sleeping. Why? I'm still trying to figure that out. Needless to say, this is a total time suck and needs boundaries and limits. Bedtime is for reading and sleeping. Those Instagram likes aren't going anywhere. Plus all those studies about how detrimental screen time is to your sleep habits - yikes!
No Buying Books Until these have been Read
Wow! These photos are practically life sized! Any recommendations???
I'm nervous about this one. Anyone who knows me is probably aware that bookstores make me salivate with desire. I can count on one hand the number of times I've entered a bookstore without buying something. I have an addiction. The problem is I can't seem to keep up with my spending habit, so I'm cutting myself off until I've completed these bad boys. The sad thing? - These are not the only unread books I have at the house. Yikes!
Conquer my avoidance of Quickbooks
You should see me avoid this program. Who knows why? I don't other than I'm behind and the thought of catching up means HOURS of work. But I'm trying to be a responsible adult (and small business owner) so I need to suck it up and dive in.
Organize Music
When the season starts, I find myself just trying to hold on for dear life! Practice parts tend to stack up and my poor students end up having lessons surrounded by piles of unread books, and music to be learned or recently performed. I'm thinking of getting really OCD about this and cataloging the parts with charts and binders (high-tech stuff!).
Quit Complaining
I have cultivated a life filled with people and things I openly love and passionately pursue. I need to cut down on the whinging. It is not attractive. I do not admire my colleagues who are always moaning. I resolve to rise about the temptation to find fault in everything, to not air my professional complaints publicly, or tolerate bad attitudes where I can help it.
What are your resolutions for 2017? Share below!