Active Violinist

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Resolutions, I have a few...

Happy New Year!

Last year, around this very time I started this website/blog/project. My very first 'real' post was about New Years Resolutions, more specifically Hanumanasana (yoga speak for the splits). So what better way to celebrate a birthday of sorts than with another post on goals. 'Tis the season, right?

I am an unabashed fan of resolutions. I don't rush out and buy expensive gym memberships, or try to change my entire life overnight but I do like to give myself particular habits, events, and aspirations to aim for. Even if I 'fail' it helps keep me on track, more focused, and motivated throughout the year. Often, I will modify or add goals to my 1st of the year list. For example - last summer I swore I would not wear yoga pants or workout clothes (even if they cost more than my 'work' attire) to do anything remotely professional. This included teaching lessons at my house and early morning weekend rehearsals. It was tough! I slipped once or twice but overall it was a success. Due to this mid year commitment I have a growing appreciation for personal grooming and presentation. I actually took myself more seriously when I made the effort to present myself to others that way. I'm a big fan of learning things on the road of life (or on my way into splits - see last years post

I tend to be a little overzealous with this whole resolution game so this year I have tried to stay calm,  and break them up into different categories so as to bring balance to my whole life, and not just one or two areas of it. 

So to keep myself on track in the upcoming year I now present to you:

The Active Violinist List of Resolutions for 2016.

I'm counting on this growing community to make sure I stick to these, and with any luck see some results and success!


  • Read 30 books

Last year (admittedly a little later in the year) I gave myself the goal of reading 25 books. On Christmas Eve I completed my goal and am upping my reading game to 30 for 2016! Challenging myself to read more rekindled a love of the printed word that had diminished over time (most likely due to the required readings for Grad School that leave little room for joy). Last year I included AudioBooks, and will again this year as I am often in the car. I have already quasi mapped out my 'chosen ones' for the year and am really excited for the mix of fiction, non-fiction, research, classics, prize winners, and popular reads that I will be delving into. This is partially professional in nature as I have a substantial amount of reading that needs to be done in preparation for this whole dissertation thing (see below).

  • Write a letter or card to my Nana every time I finish a book

Obviously this one is tied to the previous resolution. I love a good snail mail correspondence and go through bouts of being a decent pen pal. Then life gets crazy and I don't send anything for ages. My grandmother and I have a long standing holiday tradition of book shopping together. We spend hours in the bookstore picking out new books to read. She mentioned recently that she hasn't been reading as much as she used to. She also mentioned that she enjoys hearing from me - so Voila! A resolution to keep us both on track. An old school, long distance book club of sorts.

  • Be a (better) morning person

Those who know me well, know that mornings are a challenge for me. I am in a serious relationship with my pillow and my super snuggly dog does not help. I have a great appreciation for the discipline of early risers. All of those athletes out there who fit a workout or two in before sunrise have always impressed me. I want to join that club! I want to be up at 6(ish) am conquering life like so many of you who inspire me! Making time on the front end of my day requires an earlier bed time, so I'm saying goodbye to late night internet surfing and Netflix watching.

  • Classy (and Sassy)

The quest for personal grooming continues. One of the Christmas gifts I received this year was a beautiful pair of Oxfords. The realization that I don't need 15 crappy, cheap pairs of slightly different Oxfords extends beyond the shoe. Well made products, clothing, shoes etc. are an investment in yourself. Outward presentation can often influence how we feel about ourself. My new goal is to present myself as something I take pride in. No more bad, underachieving attitude. No more 'I can't' or 'I suck' or "So-n-So is so much better than I am'. 2016 is the year of zero tolerance. If that has to start with a beautiful pair of shoes, then so be it!


  • Write More!

This one is technically personal AND professional. I have this little blog here and need to keep striving to get better at posting. I have about 15 posts sitting around just waiting to be fleshed out and posted (and I'm sure many more up my sleeve). Well guess what? 2016 is the year I will become an incessant blogger/writer/thinker/reviewer/commentator. I am committing to 1 hour (minimum) per day of writing. 

  • Finish Dissertation (and consequentially my D.M.A.)

Admittedly I'm disappointed with myself for not being further along in this process. It has been a little too easy to let life and work and preparation for concerts take priority over finishing my document. This needs to change! I need a big dose of writer's discipline! So friends, family, colleagues, readers, anyone and everyone HELP ME! this is my cry for your help to keep me on track with this one! I want to be reading novels guilt free or practicing scales without the nagging thought 'I should be writing/researching right now'. I'm planning to blog some of this research so stay tuned for some of it right here!

  • Get a Job

What? But Hannah, don't you have 7 jobs already? Why would you want another one? Exactly the problem! Having so many different jobs means I can only invest so much in any one of them. Although it makes for an exciting weekly/monthly calendar of many different faces, colleagues, collaborators, venues and musical situations it is hard to truly make progress in any one arena. How can I really be there for my students at University A if I have to balance that with my commitment to University B, or orchestra Q,R or S. I am sooo ready to make the plunge - to take life seriously, to grow up and commit to just one, maybe two, okay fine three or four at the MAX jobs. I have been pursuing full time University jobs and will continue to do so until one finally gives in and hires me. As of a few days ago I am now gearing up for my first full-time orchestra audition as well. Fingers Crossed!

  • Do Not Neglect the Fundamentals

Last April I pulled out all of my old technique books and did some serious technical Spring Cleaning. I was appalled and pretty embarrassed by all of sloppy, lazy issues that had crept in and made a home in my violin playing (read that post here). I am committing myself to continued practice of violin basics, fundamentals, and technique in the new year. I can feel and hear the difference in my playing since I started this in April 2015 and I can't wait to see what happens as I keep up the work!

  • Learn the Sibelius Concerto and Mozart #5

These bad boys have been on my list of repertoire to learn for years now. The Sibelius concerto stole my heart in high school, and ever since then I have been torn between wanting to play it and being frightened that I won't be able to do it justice. As of right now, I play Mozart #4 for auditions. I like it and all, but man would it be nice to not have to say a prayer to the 6th position gods before I play a single note in an audition. Plus playing Mozart is really fun, full of life and charm and personality. Why not have some fun, yet also serious resolutions to look forward to!?

Health And Wellness

  • Ride my Bike More

I often gaze longingly at my bike, and then get in my car and drive to wherever it is that I'm going. Tulsa is generally a warm and easy place to be a cyclist. I see people on their bikes at all times of the day - commuting, pleasure rides, serious training, family fun. I'm getting back out there! This is the year! There are beautiful trails and bike lanes surrounding my house. It is time to ride on! I have dreams of huge cycling adventures. I am determined to bring at least a portion of this to life!

  • Afternoon Tea

I have to pull the plug on at least some of the coffee drinking. It is leading to issues. Headaches, lack of focus, dehydration. I can't live like this! From now on it is tea after 12pm. This also conveniently aligns with my not-so-secret penchant for all things British. Afternoon tea is always okay with me! 

  • Drink More Water!

Sometimes I just forget. I work up a sweat often enough to know better than to skimp on the water consumption but I now notice the effects in other areas of my life. If I'm not hydrated I feel tired, my skin isn't as healthy, digestion actually feels less efficient, and stress gets me down much more easily.

  • Yoga

This past year I think I fell out of love with Yoga. I started to get down on myself watching people online do acrobatics disguised as Yoga, or hearing my teacher constantly tell me I'm 'too stiff' or going to a Vinyasa class and feeling like I was just flopping around on my mat like a sweaty mess. I was feeling overwhelmed by the work I needed to do just to maintain a base level of flexibility in my life. Yoga is directly linked to my research topic so there is no getting out of it. But I need to recommit to it. And not just 20mins of Sun Salutations - more like actually nail that Handstand I used to crave so badly, or that sense of mental stillness that comes from a deep and conscientious class or practice. Welcome back Yoga, I have missed you, and craved you more than I realized.


Well I think that's enough for now. Don't you?

What are your goals and resolutions for the New Year? I can't wait to hear about them!

Happy New Year! Best Wishes for Happiness and Success in 2016!